How do we take care of the environment?

At JOIMA, we are committed to sustainability and environmental care at every step of our production process. Our products are designed and manufactured with an environmentally conscious approach, utilizing sustainable materials and energy-efficient technologies. Additionally, we implement responsible manufacturing practices that minimize waste and reduce emissions. We strive to provide solutions that are not only efficient and high-quality but also environmentally friendly. At JOIMA, we believe in the balance between comfort and environmental responsibility, and we work hard to ensure that our products take care of the environment as much as they take care of your home.

Social Commitment
Resource Optimization
Energy Efficiency
Sustainable Development
Innovation and Development
Certifications and accreditations

At JOIMA, we manufacture stoves with the Ecodesign 2022 certification. This certificate ensures that our stoves meet the strictest European standards for energy efficiency and low emissions. Designed with innovative technology, our stoves are optimized to maximize energy utilization and reduce environmental impact. By choosing a JOIMA stove with the Ecodesign 2022 certification, you can enjoy cozy warmth in your home knowing that you are contributing to environmental protection. We care about a sustainable future and strive to offer products that meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

An energy efficient home See more